Strikers Bowling Pro Shop Strikers Pro Shop welcomes the chance to congratulate the outstanding achievements of some of our  customers during USBC sanctioned competition...

John Hamilton - 2008 PBA South Region  Chesapeake, Va Open  4th  Place

Bobby Thompson
- 2008 PBA South Region Senior Little River , SC Open Champion (title)

Willie Espiritu - 1st Place Winner $52,000 2004 NABI National Championships Held in Las Vegas, Nevada

Rodney Ross - 300 game during 2004 NBA City Championships
848 series House Record AMF Military (closed)

Sharon E. Field
ABC - 299 game during 2004 Norfolk B.A. City Championships
WIBC - 299

Danny Mausolf  - 1993 Norfolk B.A. City All-Events Scratch Champion
2006 Norfolk B.A. Mixed City All-Events Scratch Champion
2006 Norfolk B.A. Mixed City Singles Scratch Champion
USBC Sanctioned 800 Series (3)
USBC Sanctioned 300 Game (6)
USBC Sanctioned 299 Game (4)

Frances B. Sansone
2008 TWBA City Singles Scratch Champion
2007 TWBA City Singles Scratch Champion
2006 Norfolk B.A. Mixed City Singles Scratch Champion
1999 Masters 225 Invitational Champion
1997 Virginia State WBA Hall Of Fame (Superior Performance)
1996 Tidewater Bowling Council Hall of Fame (Superior Performance)
1994 Masters 225 Invitational Champion
1993 Virginia Bowling Queens Champion (March)
1992 Masters 225 Invitational Champion
1986 Virginia Bowling Queens Champion (June)
USBCWBA Sanctioned 300 Game (3)
USBCWBA Sanctioned 299 Game (3)

Matthew R. Ridgway - back-to-back 300 games and 846 series

Gary E. Faulkner - back-to-back 300 games and 810 series

Ric J. Wiese - back-to-back 300 games same series

Jerry D. 'Dean' Stephens Jr. - Triplicate 279 Game (837 Series)

We at Strikers Pro Shop are pleased to congratulate some of our customers who have
earned their place in the USBC Sanctioned record books:

300 Games

Aldy Espiritu
Allen Lukens
Andre Cosby
Andrew (Andy) Bean(2)
Andrew Vuckovitch
Anthony Petrello
Bill Coffman(3)
Bobby Thompson(5)
Brent Langdale
Brett Williams
Brian McCadden
Brian Stephens
Carl Pitt
Chris Jennison
Chris Lenzy(2)
Chris Livingston(2)
Chuck Johnson(2)
Danny Mausolf(6)
Danny McDermott
Daryl Siler
Dave Kingery
David Cupp
David Thompson
Dean Stephens (8)
Dennis Walter
Donnie Glover(4)
Earl Stutz(2)
Ed Pitcavage(6)
Eric Gallup
Fran Sansone(3)
Frank McCosker(2)
Gary Faulkner(6)
George Ensor
James Wenzel (11)
James Folsom
Jeff Harrison
Jerry Huddleson
Joanie Demakes
Joe Ross
Joey Nameth(2)
John Confalone
John Hamilton (4)

John Koba(3)
Ken Schick

Kyle Cheatwood
Larry Martinez
Larry Robinson
Lonnie Goebel

Matt Lamb
Matt Ridgway(2)
Michael Johnson
Michelle Kelley
Mike Garvey Sr
Mike Lafave
Mike Smith (4)
Patrick Harrington
Pete Kelley
Peter Potter
Phil Craddock (Youth)
Ray DeLoach
Reggie Chavez(2)
Rich Finnigan(3)
Richard Wiese (3)
Rick Chavez (3)
Robbie Smith
Robin Stewart
Rodney Hugate
Rodney Ross
Ron DelRosario
Scott Fulton (3)
Sean Johnson
Steve Conrad(2)
Stewart Hilowitz
Tammy Hatfield(2)
Tim Jennison
Todd Allred
Tom Tomas
Tommy Holmes
Tony Catlett(3)
Warren Hiteshew(3)
Wilson Espiritu(4)

299 Games

Billy Smith
Fran Sansone(3)

Dennis Walter 299
Danny Mausolf(4)
Ed Pitcavage(2)
Jack Hastings (Maryland)
 Jerry Huddleson(4)
Joe Nameth

Walter Cashmore

800 Series

Andre Cosby
Brian Stephans
Danny Mausolf(3)
Daryl Siler(2)
David Cupp
Dean Stephens(2)
Donnie Glover(3)
Ed Pitcavage(4)
Gary Faulkner
Jerry Huddleson(2)
Joey Nameth
John Koba
Matt Ridgway
Pete Kelley
Phil Craddock (Youth)(2)   
Ralph J. Field
Reggie Chavez 
Rick Chavez
Rodney Ross
$cott Fulton
Todd Allred(11)
Tommy Holmes(2)
Tony Catlett
Walter Carpenter
Will Isaroon

We encourage you to e-mail us if you know of anyone
we missed in this honor roll